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Health and Functional Status: Total Health

Functional Change: Change in Mobility Score for Long Term Acute Care Facilities

  • Change in rasch derived values of mobility function from admission to discharge among adult LTAC patients aged 18 years and older who were discharged alive. The time frame for the measure is 12 months. The measure includes the following 4 mobility items:Transfer Bed/Chair/Wheelchair, Transfer Toilet, Locomotion and Stairs.

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Functional Change: Change in Motor Score in Long Term Acute Care Facilities

  • Change in rasch derived values of motor function from admission to discharge among adult long term acute care facility patients aged 18 years and older who were discharged alive. The timeframe for the measure is 12 months. The measure includes the following 12 items:Feeding, Grooming, Dressing Upper Body, Dressing Lower Body, Toileting, Bowel, Expression, Memory, Transfer Bed/Chair/Wheelchair, Transfer Toilet, Locomotion and Stairs.

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Functional Change: Change in Self Care Score for Long Term Acute Care Facilities

  • Change in rasch derived values of self-care function from admission to discharge among adult patients treated in a long term acute care facility who were discharged alive. The time frame for the measure is 12 months. The measure includes the following 8 items: Eating, Grooming, Dressing Upper Body, Dressing Lower Body, Toileting, Bowel, Expression, and Memory.

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Oral Evaluation, Dental Services

  • Percentage of enrolled children under age 21 years who received a comprehensive or periodic oral evaluation within the reporting year.

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Pediatric Symptom Checklist (PSC)

  • The Pediatric Symptom Checklist (PSC) is a brief parent-report questionnaire that is used to assess overall psychosocial functioning in children from 3 to 18 years of age. Originally developed to be a screen that would allow pediatricians and other health professionals to identify children with poor overall functioning who were in need of further evaluation or referral, the PSC has seen such wide use in large systems that it has increasingly been used as a quality indicator and as an outcome measure to assess changes in functioning over time.

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Post-Discharge Appointment for Heart Failure Patients

  • Patients for whom a follow-up appointment for an office or home health visit for management of heart failure was scheduled within 7 days post-discharge and documented including location, date, and time.

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