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EM Projects

Active Projects Starting with the Fall 2023 Cycle

Title Description Status
Advanced Illness and Post-Acute Care

With its focus on improving quality of life, advanced illness and/or post-acute care is distinct from care intended to cure an illness or condition, although it can be delivered concurrently with curative therapies. Advanced illness care focuses on medical care for people living with a serious illness. It aims to address the symptoms or stress related to the illness and improve the overall experience and/or quality of life for patients, caregivers, and family members. Advanced illness care may also include palliative and hospice care, which includes comprehensive care that addresses medical, emotional, spiritual, and social needs during the last stages of a person’s terminal illness.

Post-acute care includes medical or supportive care provided to individuals after they leave an acute care setting, such as a hospital, but are not ready to return home. This includes rehabilitation, home care, and even palliative care services.
This committee considers measures that address conditions including cancer and end-stage disease (e.g., end-stage renal disease). Subtopics may include advanced illness management, the assessment of physical, emotional, social, psychological, and spiritual aspects of care, access to and timeliness of care, patient and family experience with care, patient and family engagement, care planning, hospice care, palliative and end-of-life care, chemotherapy, rescue, home care, and intensive care unit (ICU) care.

Cost and Efficiency

Resource use measures are measures that capture the amount or frequency of health services applied to a population or event (e.g., procedures, encounters). A resource use measure may apply a dollar amount (e.g., allowable charges, paid amounts, or standardized prices) to a resource unit. As health care expenditures continue to grow, it is crucial to understand how resources are utilized to maximize quality in the health care system. Health care cost measurement continues to be a critical component in assessing the United States (U.S.) health care system. Measures in the Cost, Resource Use, and Efficiency portfolio are essential to evaluate the efficiency of care (i.e., higher quality, lower cost) and improve value through changes in practice. Improving U.S. health system efficiency can simultaneously reduce cost growth and improve the quality of care provided.

This committee considers measures that focus on total health care spending for a health care service or group of services associated with a specified patient population, time period, and/or unit of clinical accountability. Measures in this topic area include admission, readmission, and emergency department utilization. Others include broadly focused measures, such as per capita measures, which address total health care spending or resource use per person, and narrowly focused measures, such as measures dealing with the health care spending or resource use of an individual procedure (e.g., a hip replacement). 

Initial Recognition and Management

Timely recognition and diagnosis of certain conditions can lead to the use of effective treatments that work best at early stages of illness and overall improved management of disease.

This committee considers measures that address early signs and symptoms of conditions and diseases, the initial recognition and management of a change in a person’s health status, and the experience, patient safety, and/or harm related to detection, diagnosis, or recognition of a condition. Measures in this topic area may include perinatal health, patient satisfaction with care, appropriate use of diagnostic tools, timeliness of care, care coordination, and monitoring.

Management of Acute Events, Chronic Disease, Surgery, and Behavioral Health

Disease management focuses on improving quality of life for individuals with acute and chronic conditions by minimizing or preventing the disease effects through quality care.

This committee considers measures that address the management of acute events or chronic disease, management of behavioral health conditions, pre-operative care, post-operative care, complications, functional status and impairments, patient safety, never events (i.e., medical errors should never occur), morbidity, and mortality. Measures in this portfolio may also focus on improving health care system care coordination.

Primary Prevention

Primary prevention seeks to prevent disease or injury before they occur. This objective can be achieved by altering unhealthy or unsafe behaviors that can lead to disease or injury and increasing resistance to disease should exposure occur.

This committee considers measures that address preventive care, education and counseling, health promotion, and screening measures. Subtopics may include health-related lifestyle behaviors, observable risk factors (e.g., age, obesity), and vaccination status. Measures that address mental health screenings (e.g., depression, other psychiatric conditions), alcohol and drug use, comorbidities, and suicide risk screening are also included.


Projects From Prior Consensus-Based Entity

Title Description Status
All-Cause Admissions and Readmissions

The All-Cause Admissions and Readmissions Standing Committee oversees the consensus based entity's portfolio of admissions and readmissions measures , which includes measures for all-cause and condition-specific admissions and readmission measures addressing numerous settings (e.g., hospital, hospital outpatient, ambulatory surgical center, skilled nursing facilities, home health, and Accountable Care Organizations).

Appeals Board

The Appeals Board is responsible for adjudicating all submitted appeals regarding measure endorsement decisions


The Cardiovascular Standing Committee  oversees the consensus based entity's portfolio of Cardiovascular measures, which includes measures for acute myocardial infarction, percutaneous coronary intervention, ischemic vascular disease, heart failure, hypertension, rhythm disorders, and valvular heart disease.

Consensus Standards Approval Committee (CSAC)

The Consensus Standards Approval Committee is an advisory committee that reviews measure endorsement recommendations of the Standing Committees to render a final endorsement decision.

Geriatrics and Palliative Care

The Geriatrics and Palliative Care Standing Committee oversees the consensus based entity's geriatric, palliative, and end-of-life care measures. Measures in this portfolio address physical aspects of care, including the management of pain, dyspnea, and constipation. The portfolio also includes measures addressing several of the other domains of care including spiritual, psychological, cultural, and legal aspects of care and care of the patient at the end of life.

Patient Experience and Function

The Patient Experience and Function (PEF) Standing Committee oversees the portfolio of PEF measures, which includes measures for various subtopics, including functional status change and assessment, shared decision making, care coordination, patient experience, and long-term services and supports.

Patient Safety

The Patient Safety Standing Committee  oversees the consensus based entity's portfolio of Patient Safety measures, including measures for the improper diagnosis of illness, appropriate radiation dosing, falls, pressure ulcers, etc.

Prevention and Population Health

The Prevention and Population Health Standing Committee oversees the consensus based entity's portfolio of Prevention and Population Health measures, which includes measures for dental care, cancer screenings, immunizations, and well-child visits.

Primary Care and Chronic Illness

The Primary Care and Chronic Illness (PCCI) Standing Committee oversees the consensus based entity's portfolio of PCCI measures, which includes measures on ear, nose, throat, and eye care; endocrinology; infectious disease; musculoskeletal care; and pulmonology.


The Renal Standing Committee oversees the consensus based entity's portfolio of renal measures, which includes measures for hemodialysis, standardized mortality and transfusion ratios, phosphorus concentration, hypercalcemia, pediatric hemodialysis, Angiotensin Converting Enzyme  Inhibitor or Angiotensin Receptor Blocker therapy, optimal end stage renal disease starts, and bloodstream infections in hemodialysis patients.
