Submission Tool and Repository Measure Database
As the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) consensus-based entity (CBE), Battelle Memorial Institute (Battelle) discloses complete information (e.g., full measure specifications, coding logic, algorithms) regarding each measure to the public for the purpose of evaluating, analyzing, or displaying of each measure for endorsement consideration. If an interested party wishes to attain complete measure information for the use and/or implementation of a measure, the interested party should contact the measure steward. Contact information for the measure steward can be found under the “Point of Contact” section of the respective measure page within the Submission Tool and Repository (STAR). Battelle is not responsible for, nor is privy to the measure use agreements that may be established between a measure steward and an interested party.
To obtain a copy of the full measure submission forms for measures endorsed prior to Fall 2023 cycle, please contact
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Measure Type
Level of Analysis
Endorsement Status
CBE ID Sort descending | Title | Steward | Endorsement Cycle Status | Previous Endorsement Cycle |
0001 | Asthma assessment | Physician Consortium for Performance Improvement | Endorsement Removed | Full Year 2012 |
0002 | Appropriate Testing for Children with Pharyngitis | National Committee for Quality Assurance | Endorsement Removed | Full Year 2014 |
0003 | Bipolar Disorder: Assessment for diabetes | Center for Quality Assessment and Improvement in Mental Health | Endorsement Removed | Full Year 2013 |
0004 | Initiation and Engagement of Alcohol and Other Drug Abuse or Dependence Treatment | National Committee for Quality Assurance | Endorsed | Fall 2018 |
0005 | CAHPS Clinician & Group Surveys (CG-CAHPS) Version 3.0 -Adult, Child | Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality | Endorsed | Spring 2019 |
0006 | Consumer Assessment of Healthcare Providers and Systems (CAHPS) Health Plan Survey, Version 5.0 (Medicaid and Commercial) | Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality | Endorsed | Spring 2019 |
0007 | NCQA Supplemental items for CAHPS® 4.0 Adult Questionnaire (CAHPS 4.0H) | National Committee for Quality Assurance | Endorsement Removed | Full Year 2015 |
0008 | Experience of Care and Health Outcomes (ECHO) Survey | Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality | Endorsement Removed | Spring 2020 |
0009 | CAHPS Health Plan Survey v 3.0 children with chronic conditions supplement | Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality | Endorsement Removed | Full Year 2015 |
0010 | Young Adult Health Care Survey (YAHCS) | Oregon Health & Science University | Endorsement Removed | Spring 2017 |