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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Q. What is the Partnership for Quality Measurement (PQM)?

A. Battelle is contracted by the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) to serve as a consensus-based entity, as defined in Section 183 of the Medicare Improvements of the Medicare Improvements for Patients and Providers Act of 2008 (MIPPA), which added Section 1890 of the Social Security Act (SSA). Battelle established PQM—and its independent governing board—to guide the work under this contract.

Q. How do I become a member of PQM?

A. PQM membership is free of charge to individuals and organizations. Please complete our “Contact Us” form to be added to our membership.

Q. My measure was recently reviewed as part of the Fall 2022 endorsement cycle. Will I need to resubmit my measure?

 A. No. We have worked closely with the National Quality Forum (NQF) to ensure a smooth transition of all submitted and reviewed measures. All measures recently reviewed as part of the Fall 2022 process will continue through the same endorsement process with PQM.

Q. I submitted a measure to NQF for the spring 2023 cycle. Should I resubmit the measure to PQM?

 A. No. We have worked closely with NQF to ensure a smooth transition. All current processes, timelines and committees will remain unchanged for the spring 2023 cycle.

Q. Will the endorsement and maintenance process change after the spring 2023 cycle?

A. Yes. We are working with interested parties to identify ways to continue to enhance the value of the endorsement and maintenance processes, including shortening the time from submission to decision. All changes will be communicated in advance of the next endorsement cycle.

Q. Will PQM oversee the Measure Applications Partnership (MAP)?

A. Yes. This work falls under the purview of the National Consensus Development and Strategic Planning for Health Care Quality Measurement. However, this work is evolving and will be conducted under a different name, which will be announced later in 2023.

Q. Will PQM change the Measure Applications Partnership (MAP) process?

A. We are reviewing the most effective ways to evaluate Measures under Consideration (MUC) and the Measure Set Review (MSR). More information will be posted on the PQM website in the coming weeks.

Q. I am currently serving on an endorsement and maintenance committee. Will I remain on that committee for the active cycles?

 A. Yes. Details on upcoming meetings will be provided in the coming weeks.

Q. Where can I find measures currently endorsed?

A. The PQM website will be updated this spring to include current and formerly endorsed measures.

Q. I have more questions. How can I reach PQM?

A. Email us at
