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Attend Webinar on Measure Submission Process

Battelle is launching a new Endorsement and Maintenance (E&M) process for the upcoming Fall 2023 cycle. Please join us September 15, 12 p.m. – 1:30 p.m. (ET), to learn how to submit measures to Battelle for PQM endorsement review. We will provide an overview of the Intent to Submit (ITS) and full measure submission process and timelines for the Fall 2023 cycle. Register to attend the webinar.

Changes from the Previous ITS Process and Timeline 

  • Testing information will not be required for the ITS. 
  • Developers and stewards will only be asked to provide simple measure information (e.g., number, title, description) by the ITS deadline on October 2.
  • Full measure submission information (e.g., evidence, testing) will be due on November 1. 