Battelle annually reviews its PQM Guidebooks outlining its approach to Endorsement and Maintenance (E&M), Pre-Rulemaking Measure Review (PRMR) and Measure Set Review (MSR) activities. By reviewing and updating, Battelle ensures its processes and procedures are continually refined and reflective of feedback received throughout the year. Please read and comment on the Guidebook of Policies and Procedures for PRMR and Measure Set Review (MSR) and the E&M Guidebook by June 24.
PRMR/MSR Updates
- Increased recommendation group size
- Added an advisory group meeting with recommendation group co-chairs prior to measure review meetings
- Adjusted the MSR timeline
- Provided additional information on the “recommend with conditions” voting status
- Press the button below to review and leave a comment on the PRMR/MSR guidebook
Guidebook of Policies and Procedures for PRMR and mEASURE Set Review (MSR)
E&M Updates
- Changed committee size, voting, and meeting schedule
- Updated public comment opportunities
- Added requirements for measures to be considered for endorsement
- Changed the PQM Measure Evaluation Rubric
- Updated the Intent to Submit and Full Measure Submission forms
- Updated conditions for “Endorsed with Conditions” designation
Press the button below to review and leave a comment on the E&M guidebook
ENdorsement AND Maintenance Guidebook
Please email [email protected] if you have any questions.