Thank you to everyone who submitted nominations to serve on a Partnership for Quality Measurement (PQM) committee. We received nearly 250 nominations this year. After careful consideration, we have developed draft rosters for committees supporting PRMR and E&M for public review. Please submit comments by 11:59 p.m. (ET) Tuesday, July 30.
PRMR members who also serve on the Measure Set Review (MSR) Recommendation Group were previously identified, and a draft MSR roster was published prior to PRMR and E&M due to upcoming meeting dates and the cadence of the work.
Rosters will be finalized following a review of public comments. Final PRMR and E&M rosters will be released in late August.
PRMR Committee Draft Rosters
Click to comment on PRMR Committee Draft Rosters
E&M Committee Draft Rosters
Click to Comment on E&M Committee Draft Rosters
If you have any questions, please contact