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Updated 2024 PRMR/MSR Guidebook Now Available

The updated 2024 Guidebook of Policies and Procedures for Pre-Rulemaking Measure Review (PRMR) and Measure Set Review (MSR) is now available. Battelle reviews its guidebooks annually to ensure our processes and procedures are continually refined and reflective of feedback received throughout the year. Updates are informed by expert input and public feedback to ensure rigor, transparency, and inclusivity in the reviews of clinical quality and cost measures.   
Key 2024 updates to PRMR/MSR include: 
•    Larger recommendation groups  
•    An additional advisory group meeting with recommendation group co-chairs prior to measure review meetings 
•    An adjusted MSR timeline
•    Additional information on the “recommend with conditions” voting status

The updated Endorsement and Maintenance (E&M) Guidebook will be released later this month.

Please email [email protected] if you have any questions.   
