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Recently hospitalized residents with pressure ulcers (risk adjusted)

1.4 Project
Endorsement Status
1.1 New or Maintenance
E&M Cycle
Is Under Review
1.3 Measure Description

Recently hospitalized residents with pressure ulcers

        • 1.14 Numerator

          SNF PPS Patients who satisfy either of the following conditions:
          1. On the SNF PPS 5-day assessment, the patient had no pressure ulcers (M2a[t-1]=0) AND, on the SNF PPS 14-day assessment, the patient has at least a stage 1 pressure ulcer (M2a[t]=1,2,3, or 4).
          2. On the SNF PPS 5-day assessment, the patient had a pressure ulcer (M2a[t-1] = 1,2,3, or 4) AND on the SNF PPS 14-day assessment, pressure ulcers worsened or failed to improve (M2a[t]>=M2a[t-1]).

        • 1.15 Denominator

          All patients with a valid SNF PPS 14-day assessment (AA8b=7) AND a valid preceding SNF PPS 5-day assessment (AA8b=1).

        • Exclusions

          Exclusions: Patients satisfying the following condition:
          1.M2a is missing on the 14-day assessment [t
          2. M2a is missing on the 5-day assessment [t-1] and M2a shows presence of pressure ulcers on the 14-day assessment (M2a=1,2,3, or 4.
          3. The Patient is in a facility with a Post Acute Care Admission Sample size of 0 (i.e., there are no SNF PPS 5-day assessments with AA8b =1 in the facility over the previous 12 months)

          1. Indicator of history of unresolved pressure ulcer on the SNF PPS 5-day assessment. Covariate =1 if M3 =1.
          Covariate =0 if M3 =0.
          2. Indicator of requiring limited or more assistance in bed mobility on the SNF PPS 5-day assessment:
          Covariate = 1 if G1a(A) = 2,3,4, or8.
          Covariate = 0 if G1a(A) =0 or 1.
          3. Indicator of bowel incontinence at least one/week on the SNF PPS 5-day assessment:
          Covariate =1 if H1a 2,3, or 4.
          Covariate =0 if H1a = 0 or 1.
          4. Indicator of diabetes or peripheral vascular disease on the SNF PPS 5-day assessment:
          Covariate =1 if I1a checked (value 1) or I1j checked (value 1).
          Covariate =0 if I1a not checked (value 0) and I1j not checked (value 0).
          5. Indicator of Low Body Mass Index (BMI) on the SNF PPS 5-day assessment:
          Covariate = 1 if BMI >=12 and =19.
          Covariate = 0 if BMI > 19 and = 40.
          Where: BMI = weight(kg)/height2 (m2) = ((K2b*0.45)/(((K2a)*.0254)^2))

          (Note: An implausible BMI value 12 or >40 will be treated as a missing value on this covariate.

        • Most Recent Endorsement Activity
          Measure Retired and Endorsement Removed Nursing Homes- 2004
          Initial Endorsement
          Last Updated
          Removal Date