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Back Pain: Mental Health Assessment

Endorsement Status
1.1 New or Maintenance
E&M Cycle
Is Under Review
1.3 Measure Description

The percentage of patients at least 18 years of age and younger than 80 with a diagnosis of back pain for whom documentation of a mental health assessment is present in the medical record prior to intervention or when pain lasts more than 6 weeks.

        • 1.14 Numerator

          The number of patients with at least one mental health assessment during the eligible episode.

        • 1.15 Denominator

          Back pain patients at least 18 years of age and younger than 80 who meet either of the following criteria.
          -Evidence of back surgery or epidural steroid injection, or
          -More than six weeks pain duration

        • Exclusions


        • Most Recent Endorsement Activity
          Measure Retired and Endorsement Removed Musculoskeletal Endorsement Maintenance Project
          Initial Endorsement
          Last Updated
          Removal Date