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Perioperative Pulmonary Embolism or Deep Vein Thrombosis Rate (PSI 12)

1.5 Project
Endorsement Status
1.0 New or Maintenance
1.1 Measure Structure
Previous Endorsement Cycle
Is Under Review
1.6 Measure Description

Perioperative pulmonary embolism or proximal deep vein thrombosis (secondary diagnosis) per 1,000 surgical discharges for patients ages 18 years and older. Excludes discharges with a principal diagnosis of pulmonary embolism or proximal deep vein thrombosis; with a secondary diagnosis of pulmonary embolism or proximal deep vein thrombosis present on admission; in which interruption of the vena cava or a pulmonary arterial thromboectomy occurs before or on the same day as the first operating room procedure; with extracorporeal membrane oxygenation; with acute brain or spinal injury present on admission; and obstetric cases.

[NOTE: The software provides the rate per hospital discharge. However, common practice reports the measure as per 1,000 discharges. The user must multiply the rate obtained from the software by 1,000 to report in-hospital deaths per 1,000 hospital discharges.]

Measure Specs
General Information
1.7 Measure Type
1.3 Electronic Clinical Quality Measure (eCQM)
1.8 Level of Analysis
1.9 Care Setting
1.20 Types of Data Sources