To ensure that members diagnosed or seeking treatment for sexually transmitted diseases be screened for HIV.
1.5 Measure Type1.7 Electronic Clinical Quality Measure (eCQM)1.8 Level Of Analysis1.9 Care Setting1.20 Testing Data Sources
1.14 Numerator
Members who received HIV counseling, HIV-1 and HIV-2 screening tests, or an HIV-1 screening test 60 days prior to through 60 days after the index date; members who had a CD4 count and an HIV RNA test 60 days prior through 60 days after the index date; members who were diagnosed with HIV during the 1-60 days after the index date (exclusive of the index date).
Note: Index date is defined as the first instance of denominator criteria A or B or C.
1.15 Denominator
Continuously enrolled members who have been screened for or diagnosed with an STD other than HIV and members who are being diagnosed or screened for Hepatitis C.
Members diagnosed with HIV/AIDS any time on or before the index date.
Most Recent Endorsement ActivityMeasure Retired and Endorsement Removed Health and Well Being Endorsement Maintenance ProjectInitial EndorsementLast UpdatedRemoval Date
StewardHealth Benchmarks-IMS HealthSteward Organization POC Email
Risk Adjustment
6.1.2 Current or Planned Use(s)6.1.3 Current Use(s)