The measure reports the percentage of all long-stay residents who were physically restrained daily during the 7 days prior to the target MDS 3.0 assessment (OBRA, PPS or discharge) during their episode of nursing home care ending in the target quarter (3-month period). Long-stay residents are identified as residents who have had at least 101 cumulative days of nursing facility care.
The numerator is the number of long-stay residents with a selected target Minimum Data Set (MDS) assessment (assessments may be OBRA, PPS or discharge) who have experienced daily physical restraint usage during the 7 days prior to the selected assessment, as indicated by MDS 3.0, Section P, Item P0100, subitems B (P0100B – Trunk restraint used in bed), C (P0100C – Limb restraint used in bed), E (P0100E – Trunk restraint used in chair or out of bed), F (P0100F – Limb restraints used in chair or out of bed), or G (P0100G – Chair prevents rising).
1.15 Denominator
The denominator is the total number of all long-stay residents in the nursing facility who have a target OBRA, PPS or discharge MDS 3.0 assessment during the selected quarter and who do not meet the exclusion criteria.
A resident is excluded from the denominator if there is missing data in any of the responses to the relevant questions in the MDS (P0100B= -, or P0100C= -, or P0100E= -, or P0100F= -, or P0100G= -).
If the facility sample includes fewer than 30 residents, then the facility is excluded from public reporting.
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