Percentage of home health stays in which patients who had an acute inpatient hospitalization in the 5 days before the start of their home health stay were admitted to an acute care hospital during the 30 days following the start of the home health stay.
Number of home health stays for patients who have a Medicare claim for an admission to an acute care hospital in the 30 days following the start of the home health stay.
1.15 Denominator
Number of home health stays that begin during the relevant observation period for patients who had an acute inpatient hospitalization in the five days prior to the start of the home health stay. A home health stay is a sequence of home health payment episodes separated from other home health payment episodes by at least 60 days.
The measure denominator excludes several types of home health stays:
First, the measure denominator for the Rehospitalization During the First 30 Days of Home Health measure excludes the following home health stays that are also excluded from the all-patient claims-based NQF 0171 Acute Care Hospitalization measure: (i) Stays for patients who are not continuously enrolled in fee-for-service Medicare during the measure numerator window; (ii) Stays that begin with a Low-Utilization Payment Adjustment (LUPA). Stays with four or fewer visits to the beneficiary qualify for LUPAs; (iii) Stays in which the patient is transferred to another home health agency within a home health payment episode (60 days); and (iv) Stays in which the patient is not continuously enrolled in Medicare fee-for-service during the previous six months.
Second, to be consistent with the Hospital-Wide All-Cause Unplanned Readmission measure (as of January 2013), the measure denominator excludes stays in which the hospitalization occurring within 5 days of the start of home health care is not a qualifying inpatient stay. Hospitalizations that do not qualify as index hospitalizations include admissions for the medical treatment of cancer, primary psychiatric disease, or rehabilitation care, and admissions ending in patient discharge against medical advice.
Third, the measure denominator excludes stays in which the patient receives treatment in another setting in the 5 days between hospital discharge and the start of home health.
Finally, stays with missing payment-episode authorization strings (needed for risk-adjustment) are excluded.
Measure Record
Most Recent Endorsement Activity
Measure Retired and Endorsement Removed All-Cause Admissions and Readmissions Spring Cycle 2020
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