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MSR Draft Report

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Draft preliminary assessment of 2023 MSR measures, posted for public comment


Submitted by Joan N/A Gleas… (not verified) on Wed, 09/13/2023 - 16:44


I was recommended by a colleague to get involved as a result of my work and education.

Name or Organization
New Jersey Hospital Association

Submitted by Daniel Weiner (not verified) on Tue, 09/19/2023 - 16:22


This is a terrible way for Battelle to introduce themselves to the community, with 1) an announcement that was not widely disseminated; and 2) a turnaround that is 2 weeks.

My impression, based on this, is that Battelle does not value community input.

I personally have a fulltime job seeing patients. How can I make a cogent comment on a 120 page document that I first learned about today? I am supremely disappointed in Battelle and am feeling like the word 'Partnership' in 'Partnership for Quality Measurement' is a misnomer.

Name or Organization

Submitted by jokoh on Mon, 09/25/2023 - 13:30


Thank you for your feedback and interest in this work, we are always striving to improve our ability to engage with our members and the general public. Battelle's vision for the Partnership for Quality Measurement (PQM) is built on transparency and engagement. The two-week public comment period is reflective of the policies and procedures detailed in the Guidebook of Policies and Procedures for Pre-Rulemaking Measure Review (PRMR) and Measure Set Review (MSR). We recognize your concern and when timelines allow, we strive to extend calls for public comment, and will consider ways to enable longer public comment periods when we update the Guidebook for next cycle. This year, we tried to prepare our membership and the public of the upcoming comment period via our newsletter and the website. We hope you will consider becoming a member of PQM so you receive communications about upcoming events and announcements. Membership is free to all individuals and organizations. In the meantime, if there are other outreach channels you believe would help us reach other interested parties, please do reach out to us at [email protected] with your suggestions. We will take your feedback into consideration as we strive for continuous improvement.


- Nicole Brennan, MPH, DrPH PQM Executive Director

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Partnership for Quality Measures