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Clinician: Individual

Valid for Measure Submission

Dementia: Cognitive Assessment

  • Percentage of patients, regardless of age, with a diagnosis of dementia for whom an assessment of cognition is performed and the results reviewed at least once within a 12-month period

    CBE ID

Developmental Screening in the First Three Years of Life

  • The percentage of children ages one, two and three years who had a developmental screening performed.

    Three rates are reported:
    Rate 1: Developmental Screening by the Child’s First Birthday
    Rate 2: Developmental Screening by the Child’s Second Birthday
    Rate 3: Developmental Screening by the Child’s Third Birthday

    CBE ID

Diabetes: Foot Exam

  • The percentage of patients 18-75 years of age with diabetes (type 1 and type 2) who received a foot exam (visual inspection and sensory exam with mono filament and a pulse exam) during the measurement year.

    CBE ID