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The Child and Adolescent Health Measurement Initiative

Children Who Receive Preventive Medical Visits

  • Assesses how many medical preventive visits in a 12 month period, such as a physical exam or well-child check-up (does not include visits related to specific illnesses)

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Children With a Usual Source for Care When Sick

  • Whether child has a source of care that is known and continuous (categorized as a doctor´s office, hospital outpatient department, clinic or health center, school, friend or relative, some other place, or a telephone advice line)

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Developmental screening using a parent completed screening tool (Parent report, Children 0-5)

  • The measure assesses whether the parent or caregiver completed a developmental screening tool meant to identify children at-risk for developmental, behavioral and social delays. Developmental screening is defined as a standardized tool that assesses the child’s risk for developmental, behavioral and social delays. The American Academy of Pediatrics recommends standardized screening using an approved screening tool as the best method of identifying children at risk for developmental, behavioral and/or social delays.

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Measure of Medical Home for Children and Adolescents

  • This composite measure assesses whether or not children and adolescents (age 0-17 years) receive health care within a medical home according to the survey respondent (almost always the child’s parent). The medical home measure is based on six of the seven components of care first proposed by the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP)—health care that is accessible, family-centered, continuous, comprehensive, coordinated, compassionate, and culturally effective. (Note: "accessible" is the one component of medical home that is not directly addressed in this composite measure.

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