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University of California, San Francisco

Person-Centered Contraceptive Counseling (PCCC) measure

  • The PCCC is a four-item patient-reported outcome performance measure (PRO-PM) designed to assess the patient-centeredness of contraceptive counseling at the individual clinician/provider and facility levels of analysis. Patient-centeredness is an important component in all areas of health care, and is uniquely critical in the personal and intimate process of contraceptive decision-making.

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Radiation Dose of Computed Tomography (CT)

  • The measure requires hospitals and output facilities that conduct Computed Tomography (CT) studies to assess the radiation dose associated with the most frequently conducted examination types – CT’s of the head, chest, abdomen/pelvis obtained in children and adults. The measure provides a simple framework for how facilities can assess their dose, a framework that currently does not exist. By assessing their doses, facilities can monitor the doses they use over time and compare their doses to benchmarks. The creation of benchmarks is not part of this measure per se.

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SINC-Based Contraceptive Care, Non-Postpartum

  • Percentage of women who 1) received or had documented use of most or moderately effective contraception and 2) received a long-acting reversible contraceptive method during the calendar year. 

    To focus the measure  on the population of women interested in contraceptive services, the denominator excludes those individuals who did not receive or have documented use of a method if they indicated during the year that they did not want these services, as well as those who are eligible for postpartum contraceptive services during the measurement period.

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SINC-Based Contraceptive Care, Postpartum

  • Percentage of women 1) who received or had documented use of most or moderately effective contraception during the postpartum period (primary measure) and 2) received a long-acting reversible contraceptive method during the postpartum period (sub-measure). To focus the measure on the population of women interested in contraceptive services, the denominator excludes those individuals who did not receive or have documented use of a method if they indicated they did not want these services. 


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