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American Academy of Dermatology

Biopsy Follow-up

  • Percentage of patients who are undergoing a biopsy whose biopsy results have been reviewed by the biopsying physician and communicated to the primary care/referring physician and the patient.

    CBE ID

Melanoma: Continuity of Care – Recall System

  • Percentage of patients, regardless of age, with a current diagnosis of melanoma or a history of melanoma whose information was entered, at least once within a 12 month reporting period, into a recall system that includes:
    • A target date for the next complete physical skin exam , AND
    • A process to follow up with patients who either did not make an appointment within the specified timeframe or who missed a scheduled appointment

    CBE ID

Overutilization of Imaging Studies in Melanoma

  • Percentage of patients, regardless of age, with a current diagnosis of Stage 0 through IIC melanoma or a history of melanoma of any stage, without signs or symptoms suggesting systemic spread, seen for an office visit during the one-year measurement period, for whom no diagnostic imaging studies were ordered

    CBE ID