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Evaluation of Left ventricular systolic function (LVS)

  • Percentage of heart failure patients with documentation in the hospital record that left ventricular systolic (LVS) function was evaluated before arrival, during hospitalization, or is planned for after discharge.

    CBE ID

Experience of Care and Health Outcomes (ECHO) Survey

  • The ECHO is a survey that includes 5 multiple item measures and 12 single item measures:

    Multiple Item Measures:

    Getting treatment quickly
    -Get treatment as soon as wanted when it was needed right away
    -Get appointments as soon as wanted
    -Get professional help by telephone
    How well clinicians communicate
    -Clinicians listen carefully
    -Clinicians explain things in an understandable way
    -Clinicians show respect
    -Clinicians spend enough time
    -Feel safe with clinicians
    -Patient involved as much as wanted in treatment
    Perceived improvement

    CBE ID

External Beam Radiotherapy for Bone Metastases

  • This measure reports the percentage of patients, regardless of age, with a diagnosis of painful bone metastases and no history of previous radiation who receive external beam radiation therapy (EBRT) with an acceptable fractionation scheme as defined by the guideline.

    CBE ID

Fall Risk Management (FRM)

  • Assesses different facets of fall risk management:

    Discussing Fall Risk. The percentage of adults 75 years of age and older, or 65–74 years of age with balance or walking problems or a fall in the past 12 months, who were seen by a practitioner in the past 12 months and who discussed falls or problems with balance or walking with their current practitioner.

    CBE ID

Falls with injury

  • All documented patient falls with an injury level of minor or greater on eligible unit types in a calendar quarter. Reported as Injury falls per 1000 Patient Days.

    (Total number of injury falls / Patient days) X 1000

    Measure focus is safety.
    Target population is adult acute care inpatient and adult rehabilitation patients.

    CBE ID

Family Evaluation of Hospice Care

  • Derived from responses to 17 items on the Family Evaluation of Hospice Care(FEHC)survey presented as a single score ranging from 0 to 100 and is an indication of the hospice´s overall performance on key aspects of care delivery.

    CBE ID

Febrile Neutropenia Risk Assessment Prior to Chemotherapy

  • Percentage of patients with a solid malignant tumor or lymphoma who had a febrile neutropenia (FN) risk assessment completed and documented in the medical record prior to the first cycle of intravenous chemotherapy

    CBE ID