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American Board of Family Medicine

Measuring the Value-Functions of Primary Care: Provider Level Continuity of Care Measure

  • This is a process measure evaluating primary care physicians; for each physician, their denominator is all of the patients they saw during the evaluation period who had at least 2 PCP visits (could include visits to other PCPs), and the numerator is the number of those patients whose Bice-Boxerman Continuity of Care Index is >= 0.7.

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Person-Centered Primary Care Measure PRO-PM

  • The Person-Centered Primary Care Measure instrument is an 11-item patient reported assessment of primary care. Patients complete the PCPCM instrument once a year. These instruments are used to calculate a performance score for the participating entity. That entity could be an individual clinician or a practice. The 11 items of the PCPCM assess primary care aspects rarely captured yet thought responsible for primary care effects on population health, equity, quality, and sustainable expenditures.

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