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Composite Measure

30-Day Post-Hospital AMI Discharge Care Transition Composite Measure

This measure scores a hospital on the incidence among its patients during the month following discharge from an inpatient stay having a primary diagnosis of heart failure for three types of events: readmissions, ED visits and evaluation and management (E&M) services.


30-Day Post-Hospital HF Discharge Care Transition Composite Measure

This measure scores a hospital on the incidence among its patients during the month following discharge from an inpatient stay having a primary diagnosis of heart failure for three types of events: readmissions, ED visits and evaluation and management (E&M) services.


30-day Risk Standardized Morbidity and Mortality Composite following Transcatheter Aortic Valve Replacement (TAVR)

The TAVR 30-day morbidity/mortality composite is a hierarchical, multiple outcome risk model that estimates risk standardized results (reported as a “site difference”) for the purpose of benchmarking site performance. This measure estimates hospital risk standardized site difference for 5 endpoints (death from all causes, stroke, major or life-threatening bleeding, acute kidney injury, moderate or severe paravalvular aortic regurgitation) within 30 days following transcatheter aortic valve replacement.


Central Line Bundle Compliance

Percentage of intensive care patients with central lines for whom all
elements of the central line bundle are documented and in place.
The central line bundle elements include:
•Hand hygiene
•Maximal barrier precautions upon insertion
•Chlorhexidine skin antisepsis
•Optimal catheter site selection, with avoidance of the femoral vein for central venous access in patients 18 years and older
•Daily review of line necessity with prompt removal of unnecessary lines


Composite weighted average for 3 CT Exam Types: Overall Percent of CT exams for which Dose Length Product is at or below the size-specific diagnostic reference level (for CT Abdomen-pelvis with contrast/single phase scan, CT Chest without contrast/single

Measure title continued: Composite weighted average for 3 CT Exam Types: Overall Percent of CT exams for which Dose Length Product is at or below the size-specific diagnostic reference level (for CT Abdomen-pelvis with contrast/single phase scan, CT Chest without contrast/single phase scan and CT Head/Brain without contrast/single phase scan)


Comprehensive Diabetes Care

The percentage of patients 18–75 years of age with diabetes (type 1 and type 2) who had each of the following:
- Hemoglobin A1c (HbA1c) testing (NQF#0057)
- HbA1c poor control (>9.0%) (NQF#0059)
- HbA1c control (<8.0%) (NQF#0575)
- HbA1c control (<7.0%) for a selected population*
- Eye exam (retinal) performed (NQF#0055)
- LDL-C screening (NQF#0063)
- LDL-C control (<100 mg/dL) (NQF#0064)
- Medical attention for nephropathy (NQF#0062)
- BP control (<140/90 mm Hg) (NQF#0061)
- Smoking status and cessation advice or treatment


Hospice and Palliative Care Composite Process Measure—Comprehensive Assessment at Admission

The Hospice Comprehensive Assessment Measure assesses the percentage of hospice stays in which patients who received a comprehensive patient assessment at hospice admission. The measure focuses on hospice patients age 18 years and older. A total of seven individual NQF endorsed component quality will provide the source data for this comprehensive assessment measure, including NQF #1634, NQF #1637, NQF #1639, NQF #1638, NQF #1617, NQF #1641, and NQF #1647. These seven measures are currently implemented in the CMS HQRP.


Hospitalization for Ambulatory Care Sensitive Conditions for Dual Eligible Beneficiaries

For dual eligible beneficiaries age 18 years and older, state-level observed and risk-adjusted rates of hospital admissions for ambulatory care sensitive conditions (ACSC) per 1,000 beneficiaries for ACSC by chronic and acute conditions. This measure has three rates reported as both observed and risk-adjusted rates:
• Chronic Conditions Composite
• Acute Conditions Composite
• Total (Acute and Chronic Conditions) Composite