Hospital Care: Specialty Clinician Performance Measures
Number of procedures for which the patient was discharged from the facility on Aspirin, enteric coated aspirin, or ADP Inhibitors/ Number of Isolated CABG procedures excluding those that resulted in in-hospital mortalities based on the variables Mortality Discharge Status, Mortality Date, and Discharge Date
Percentage of patients aged 18 years and older with the diagnosis of community-acquired bacterial pneumonia with mental status assessed
Number of procedures for which the patient was discharged from the facility on beta blockers/ Number of Isolated CABG procedures excluding those that resulted in in-hospital mortalities based on the variables Mortality Discharge Status, Mortality Date, and Discharge Date
Percentage of final reports for CT or MRI studies of the brain performed within 24 hours of arrival to the hospital for patients aged 18 years and older with the diagnosis of ischemic stroke or TIA or intracranial hemorrhage that includes documentation of the presence or absence of each of the following: hemorrhage and mass lesion and acute infarction.
Percentage of procedures for which the patient received Beta Blockers within 24 hours preceding surgery/ Total number of isolated CABG procedures
Percent of patients undergoing isolated CABG who received an IMA graft.