Adoption of Health Information Technology
Documents whether provider has adopted and is using health information technology. To qualify, the provider must have adopted and be using a certified/qualified electronic health record (EHR).
Documents whether provider has adopted and is using health information technology. To qualify, the provider must have adopted and be using a certified/qualified electronic health record (EHR).
Documents whether provider has adopted a qualified e-Prescribing system and the extent of use in the ambulatory setting.
Percentage of patients who are undergoing a biopsy whose biopsy results have been reviewed by the biopsying physician and communicated to the primary care/referring physician and the patient.
Percentage of final reports for all patients, regardless of age, undergoing bone scintigraphy that include physician documentation of correlation with existing relevant imaging studies (eg, x-ray, MRI, CT) that were performed
Percentage of short term home health episodes of care during which patient/caregiver was instructed on how to monitor the effectiveness of drug therapy, how to recognize potential adverse effects, and how and when to report problems.
Of all patient encounters within the past month that used an electronic health record (EHR) with electronic data interchange (EDI) where a prescribing event occurred, how many used EDI for the prescribing event.
The Medical Home System Survey (MHSS) assesses the degree to which an individual primary-care practice or provider has in place the structures and processes of an evidence-based Patient Centered Medical Home. The survey is composed of six composites. Each measure is used to assess a particular domain of the patient-centered medical home.
Composite 1: Patient-Centered Access
Composite 2: Team-Based Care
Composite 3: Population Health Management
Composite 4: Care Management and Support
Composite 5: Care Coordination and Care Transitions
Percentage of patients transferred to another HEALTHCARE FACILITY whose medical record documentation indicated that medication information was communicated to the receiving FACILITY within 60 minutes of departure
The percentage of discharges during the first 11 months of the measurement year (e.g., January 1–December 1) for patients 66 years of age and older for whom medications were reconciled on or within 30 days of discharge.
Percentage of patients transferred to another HEALTHCARE FACILITY whose medical record documentation indicated that nursing information was communicated to the receiving FACILITY within 60 minutes of departure