Management of Acute Events, Chronic Disease, Surgery, and Behavioral Health
Annual standardized infection ratio (SIR) of bloodstream infections (BSIs) among children and adults receiving maintenance hemodialysis at outpatient hemodialysis facilities. BSIs are defined as positive blood cultures for hemodialysis patients which are reported monthly by participating facilities. The SIR is reported for a yearly period (calendar year) and is calculated by dividing the number of observed BSIs by the number of predicted BSIs during the year.
This is a weighted composite measure comprised of six component measures: three all-cause risk standardized outcome measures on all-cause mortality, bleeding, acute kidney injury and three process measures focused on discharge on guideline directed medical therapy, referral to a cardiac rehabilitation program and PCI performed within ninety minutes of symptoms for patients with acute myocardial infarctions. The target population includes adults (age 18 and greater) undergoing percutaneous coronary interventions. The timeframe for reporting will be a rolling four quarters.
Percentage of all patient months for adult patients (>= 18 years old) whose delivered peritoneal dialysis dose was a weekly Kt/V urea >= 1.7 (dialytic + residual).
The purpose of this meeting is for Recommendation Group members to discuss and share perspectives regarding the measures under endorsement review for their respective E&M committee. Endorsement voting occurs during these virtual meetings. Advisory Group members are invited to attend these Recommendation Group meetings to listen to the discussion. Measure developers/stewards are invited and encouraged to attend, as they will have the opportunity to respond to the Recommendation Group discussion during the meeting.
More details coming soon.
More details coming soon.
More details coming soon.
The purpose of this meeting is for Recommendation Group members to discuss and share perspectives regarding the measures under endorsement review for their respective E&M committee. Endorsement voting occurs during these virtual meetings. Advisory Group members are invited to attend these Recommendation Group meetings to listen to the discussion. Measure developers/stewards are invited and encouraged to attend, as they will have the opportunity to respond to the Recommendation Group discussion during the meeting.
Percentage of adult dialysis patients with a 6-month rolling average phosphorus value greater than or equal to 6.5 mg/dL.
Fall 2023 Management of Acute Events, Chronic Disease, Surgery, and Behavioral Health Backup Endorsement Meeting.