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Standardized Patient Assessments

Valid for Measure Submission

Improvement in Ambulation/locomotion

  • Percentage of home health episodes of care during which the patient improved in ability to ambulate. This is a rate/proportion measure targeted at older adults with multiple chronic conditions during home health quality of care episodes. 

    CBE ID

Improvement in Bathing

  • Percentage of home health episodes of care during which the patient got better at bathing self. This is a rate/proportion measure targeted at elderly individuals with multiple chronic conditions during home health quality of care episodes. 

    CBE ID

Improvement in Bed Transferring

  • Percentage of home health episodes of care during which the patient got better at getting in and out of bed. This is a rate/proportion measure targeted at elderly individuals with multiple chronic conditions during home health quality of care episodes. 

    CBE ID

Improvement in Management of Oral Medications

  • Percentage of home health episodes of care during which the patient improved in ability to take their medicines correctly, by mouth. This is a rate/proportion measure targeted at elderly individuals with multiple chronic conditions during home health quality of care episodes. 

    CBE ID