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Valid for Measure Submission

Child and Adolescent Major Depressive Disorder: Diagnostic Evaluation

  • Percentage of patients aged 6 through 17 years with a diagnosis of major depressive disorder with documented evidence that they met the DSM-IV criteria [at least 5 elements with symptom duration of two weeks or longer, including 1) depressed mood (can be irritable mood in children and adolescents) or 2) loss of interest or pleasure] during the visit in which the new diagnosis or recurrent episode was identified

    CBE ID

Childhood Immunization Status (CIS)

  • Percentage of children 2 years of age who had four diphtheria, tetanus and acellular pertussis (DtaP); three polio (IPV); one measles, mumps and rubella (MMR); three haemophilus influenza type B (HiB); three hepatitis B (HepB); one chicken pox (VZV); four pneumococcal conjugate (PCV); one hepatitis A (HepA); two or three rotavirus (RV); and two influenza (flu) vaccines by their second birthday. The measure calculates a rate for each vaccine.

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Children Who Receive Family-Centered Care

  • A composite measure designed to assess the family-centeredness of care delivery along several dimensions: whether doctor 1) partners with family in care, 2) listens to patient/parent carefully, 3) spends enough time with child, 4)is sensitive to family values/customs, 5) provides needed information, 6)whether family is able to access interpreter help, if needed.

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Children With a Usual Source for Care When Sick

  • Whether child has a source of care that is known and continuous (categorized as a doctor´s office, hospital outpatient department, clinic or health center, school, friend or relative, some other place, or a telephone advice line)

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Chlamydia Screening and Follow Up

  • The percentage of female adolescents 18 years of age who had a chlamydia screening test with proper follow-up.

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Chlamydia Screening in Women (CHL)

  • The percentage of women 16–24 years of age who were identified as sexually active and who had at least one test for chlamydia during the measurement year.

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