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Pre-Rulemaking Measure Review (PRMR)

The PRMR process supports consensus recommendations regarding the inclusion of measures under consideration (MUCs) in Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) quality reporting and value-based programs. 

There are three PRMR committees grouped by care setting: Hospital, Clinician, and Post-Acute Care/Long-Term Care (PAC/LTC). These committees consist of a diverse membership representing all facets of the health care system. PQM emphasizes the inclusion of patients/recipients of care, caregivers, patient advocates, and traditionally underrepresented groups in this process. 


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Pre-Rulemaking Measure Review (PRMR)

The PRMR process is conducted yearly to provide recommendations to the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) CMS on the selection of quality and efficiency measures under consideration for use by HHS, as required under Section 3014 of the "Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act of 2010" (ACA) (P.L. 111-148) which created section 1890A of the Social Security Act.


Goal: To achieve consensus regarding MUC List measures as to whether they are appropriate for the intended CMS program(s) and target population(s)

In the context of a specific CMS program and population of beneficiaries, interested parties evaluate measures on whether they are meaningful, tailored to unique program and population needs, balanced and scaled to meet program-specific goals, and demonstrate a clear vision of near- and long-term program impacts. These considerations align with the three evaluation criteria used by committee members during the PRMR process.

  1. Meaningfulness
  2. Appropriateness of Scale
  3. Time to Value Realization


The Measures Management System website (MMS Hub) provides detailed information on the process, purpose, and timeline of the MUC process.

overview infographic