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Draft MSR Roster Open for Public Comment

Thank you to everyone who submitted nominations to serve on a Partnership for Quality Measurement (PQM) committee. After careful consideration, we drafted a roster for the Measure Set Review (MSR) Recommendation Group for public review. MSR members, who also serve on Pre-Rulemaking Measure Review (PRMR) committees, are being seated prior to PRMR and the Endorsement and Maintenance (E&M) due to the timing of upcoming meetings and the cadence of the work. Full PRMR and E&M draft rosters will be published in early July. 


Provide Feedback on Draft Roster

To promote a transparent and inclusive process, we invite the public to: 

  • Review the draft MSR roster. 
  • Submit a comment.

Click here to provide feedback


The public comment period closes July 10, 2024. The MSR roster will be finalized following review of comments.    


If you have any questions, please contact [email protected]
