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Public Comment Listening Session

The Spring 2024 E&M Cycle is underway, and there are several ways to get involved and provide thoughts about measures under review! New this cycle, the Partnership for Quality Measurement (PQM) will be hosting a Public Comment Listening Session on May 29 so interested parties can provide verbal comments about the Spring 2024 measures. On May 16, the Spring 2024 measures will be posted for public comment, at which point any interested party may submit a comment through the PQM website or register to provide a comment verbally during the May 29 Public Comment Listening Session.


Participant Instructions

When you register for the May 29 meeting, please review the agenda (coming soon), and indicate which measure(s) you wish to address. Please plan to attend the respective time block indicated in the agenda. Commenters are kindly asked to keep their comments to 2 minutes or less.

If you wish to submit a written public comment, you may do so through the PQM website during May 16 – June 14.  


Please note: The following measures on the agenda have been deferred to a later review cycle and will not be discussed during the listening session:


Initial Recognition and Management Measures

  • CBE #2801 – Use of First-Line Psychosocial Care for Children and Adolescents on Antipsychotics (APP)

Management of Acute Events and Chronic Conditions Measures

  • CBE #0059 – Glycemic Status Assessment for Patients With Diabetes (GSD): Glycemic Status >9.0%
  • CBE #0061 – Blood Pressure Control for Patients With Diabetes (BPD)
  • CBE #0575 – Glycemic Status Assessment for Patients With Diabetes (GSD): Glycemic Status <8.0%

Cost and Efficiency Measures

  • CBE #2879e – Hybrid Hospital-Wide Readmission (HWR) Measure with Claims and Electronic Health Record Data


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