Percentage of patients’ charts showing either that there is no tobacco use/exposure or (if a user) that the current use was documented at the most recent clinic visit Percentage of patients with documented tobacco use or exposure at the latest visit who also have documentation that their cessation interest was assessed or that they received advice to quit
a: Number of patients' charts audited whose current tobacco status is documented in the medical record b: Number of tobacco users advised to quit or whose readiness to quit was assessed at the latest visit.
1.15 Denominator
a: Total number of patients' charts audited b: Total number of tobacco users audited
a: inclusions: total number of patient charts audited exclusions: none. The measures applies to all patients visiting the practice, regardless of age, who have any indication on their charts that they are or may be users of tobacco, or in the case of children that they are regularly exposed to tobacco smoke b: inclusions: total number of patient charts audited exclusions: none The measures applies to all patients visiting the practice, regardless of age, who have any indication on their charts that they are or may be users of tobacco, or in the case of children that they are regularly exposed to tobacco smoke
Measure Record
Most Recent Endorsement Activity
Measure Retired and Endorsement Removed Population Health: Prevention Endorsement Maintenance Project
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