Population Health: Prevention Endorsement Maintenance
This measure identifies women age 12 to 65 diagnosed with cervical dysplasia (CIN 2), cervical carcinoma-in-situ, or HIV/AIDS prior to the measurement year, and who still have a cervix, who had a cervical CA screen during the measurement year.
Percentage of adults 18 years old or older with valid BMI documentation in the past 24 month.
Percentage of patients age 65 and over who received an influenza vaccination from September through December of the year
Percentage of patients discharged during October, November, December, January, or February with pneumonia, age 50 and older, who were screened for influenza vaccine status and were vaccinated prior to discharge, if indicated
The percentage of men aged 65 through 75 with history of tobacco use or men aged 60 years or more with a family history of abdominal aortic aneurysm (AAA)who were screened for AAA
Percentage of patients’ charts showing either that there is no tobacco use/exposure or (if a user) that the current use was documented at the most recent clinic visit
Percentage of patients with documented tobacco use or exposure at the latest visit who also have documentation that their cessation interest was assessed or that they received advice to quit
Percentage of patients with pneumonia, age 65 and older, who were screened for pneumococcal vaccine status and were vaccinated prior to discharge, if indicated
Percentage of patients who ever received a pneumococcal vaccination