Patients at SNF PPS 14-day assessment with at least one symptom of delirium that represents a departure from usual functioning (at least one B5a through B5f=2).
1.15 Denominator
All patients with a valid SNF PPS 14-day assessment (AA8b=7).
Exclusions: Patients satisfying any of the following conditions 1. Comatose (B1=1) or comatose status unknown (B1 = missing) on the SNF PPS 14-day assessment. 2. Patients with end-stage disease (J5c checked (value 1)) or unknown (J5c = missing) on the SNF PPS 14-day assessment 3. The resident is receiving hospice care (P1ao=checked (value 1)) or hospice status is unknown (P1ao = missing) on the SNF PPS 14-day assessment. 4. The QM did not trigger (Patient not included in the numerator) and there is a missing value on any of the items B5a through B5f. on the SNF PPS 14-day assessment 5. The patient is in a facility with a Post Acute Care Admission sample =0. reads Sample size of 0 (i.e., there are no SNF PPS 5-day assessments with AA8b = 1 in the facility over the previous 12 months).
Covariates: 1. Indicator of prior residential history preceding the current SNF stay for the patient:
Covariate = 1 if there is NO prior residential history indicated by the following condition being satisfied: a. There is a recent admission assessment (AA8a=01) AND AB5a through AB5e are not checked (=0) and AB5f checked (=1).
Covariate =0 if there is prior residential history indicated by either of the following conditions being satisfied: 1. There is a recent admission assessment (AA8a=01) AND any of the items AB5a through AB5e are checked (value 1) OR AB5f is not checked (value 0) 2. There is no recent admission assessment (AA8a=01).
Measure Record
Most Recent Endorsement Activity
Measure Retired and Endorsement Removed Nursing Homes- 2004
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