Percentage of patients undergoing cervical spine radiographs in trauma who do not have neck pain, distracting pain, neurological deficits, reduced level of consciousness or intoxication.
Percentage of patients undergoing cervical spine radiographs in trauma who do not have neck pain, distracting pain, neurological deficits, reduced level of conciousness or intoxication.
Number of patients who receive cervical spine radiographs for trauma who do not have neck pain, distracting pain, neurological deficits, reduced level of conciousness or intoxication.
Numerous well designed large prospective studies (specifically the NEXUS and Canadian cervical spine rule studies) have evaluated the efficacy of cervical spine radiography in trauma, and they have found that no patient has had a clinically significant cervical spine injury if they had no neck pain, no distracting pain, no neurological deficits, a normal level of consciousness and no intoxication.
1.15 Denominator
Number of cervical spine radiographs performed on trauma patients.
Patients who have not experienced trauma. ? Patients 16 years of age. ? Patients with a reduced ability to communicate (permanent verbal or cognitive dysfunction).
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