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Long-Term Acute Care Hospital

Valid for Measure Submission

Continuity of Care After Inpatient or Residential Treatment for Substance Use Disorder

  • The Continuity of Care After Inpatient or Residential Treatment for Substance Use Disorder measure evaluates the percentage of discharges from inpatient or residential treatment for diagnoses of substance use disorders (SUD) among Medicaid or Medicare-Medicaid beneficiaries, aged 18 years and older, which were followed by a treatment service for SUD.

    CBE ID

Hospital specific risk-adjusted measure of mortality or one or more major complications within 30 days of a lower extremity bypass (LEB).

  • Hospital specific risk-adjusted measure of mortality or one or more of the following major complications (cardiac arrest, myocardial infarction, CVA/stroke, on ventilator >48 hours, acute renal failure (requiring dialysis), bleeding/transfusions, graft/prosthesis/flap failure, septic shock, sepsis, and organ space surgical site infection), within 30 days of a lower extremity bypass (LEB) in patients age 16 and older.

    CBE ID