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SUB-2 Alcohol Use Brief Intervention Provided or Offered and SUB-2a Alcohol Use Brief Intervention

Endorsement Status
1.0 New or Maintenance
1.1 Measure Structure
Previous Endorsement Cycle
Is Under Review
1.6 Measure Description

The measure is reported as an overall rate which includes all hospitalized patients 18 years of age and older to whom a brief intervention was provided, or offered and refused, and a second rate, a subset of the first, which includes only those patients who received a brief intervention. The Provided or Offered rate (SUB-2), describes patients who screened positive for unhealthy alcohol use who received or refused a brief intervention during the hospital stay. The Alcohol Use Brief Intervention (SUB-2a) rate describes only those who received the brief intervention during the hospital stay. Those who refused are not included.

Measure Specs
General Information
1.7 Measure Type
1.3 Electronic Clinical Quality Measure (eCQM)
1.8 Level of Analysis
1.9 Care Setting