The measure calculates the percentage of individuals discharged in a six month time period from a SNF, within 100 days of admission, who are satisfied (see: S.5 for details of the time-frame). This patient reported outcome measure is based on the CoreQ: Short Stay Discharge questionnaire that utilizes four items.
The measure assesses the number of patients who are discharged from a SNF, within 100 days of admission, who are satisfied. The numerator is the sum of the individuals in the facility that have an average satisfaction score of =>3 for the four questions on the CoreQ: Short Stay Discharge questionnaire.
1.15 Denominator
The denominator includes all of the patients that are admitted to the SNF, regardless of payor source, for post-acute care, that are discharged within 100 days; who receive the survey (e.g. people meeting exclusions do not receive a questionnaire) and who respond to the CoreQ: Short Stay Discharge questionnaire within the time window.
Exclusions used are made at the time of sample selection and include:
(1) Patients who died during their SNF stay;
(2) Patients discharged to a hospital, another SNF, psychiatric facility, inpatient rehabilitation facility or long term care hospital;
(3) Patients with court appointed legal guardian for all decisions;
(4) Patients discharged on hospice;
(5) Patients who left the nursing facility against medical advice (AMA);
(6) Patients who have dementia impairing their ability to answer the questionnaire defined as having a BIMS score on the MDS as 7 or lower. [Note: we understand that some SNCCs may not have information on cognitive function available to help with sample selection. In that case, we suggest administering the survey to all residents and assume that those with cognitive impairment will not complete the survey or have someone else complete on their behalf which in either case will exclude them from the analysis.]
(7) Patients who responded after the two month response period; and
(8) Patients whose responses were filled out by someone else.
Measure Record
Most Recent Endorsement Activity
Endorsed Patient Experience and Function Spring Cycle 2020
Initial Endorsement
Last Updated
Point of Contact
Steward Organization
American Health Care Association/National Center for Assisted Living
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