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National Healthcare Safety Network (NHSN) Antimicrobial Use Measure

Endorsement Status
1.1 New or Maintenance
Is Under Review
Next Planned Maintenance Review
Fall 2025
1.3 Measure Description

This measure assesses antimicrobial use in hospitals based on medication administration data that hospitals collect electronically at the point of care and report via electronic file submissions to CDC’s National Healthcare Safety Network (NHSN). The antimicrobial use data that are in scope for this measure are antibacterial agents administered to adult and pediatric patients in a specified set of ward and intensive care unit locations: medical ICU, medical-surgical ICU, surgical ICU (adult only), medical ward, medical-surgical ward, surgical ward, general hematology-oncology ward (adult only), and step-down unit (adult only). The measure compares antimicrobial use that the hospitals report with antimicrobial use that is predicted on the basis of nationally aggregated data. The measure is comprised of a discrete set of ratios, Standardized Antimicrobial Administration Ratios (SAARs), each of which summarizes observed-to-predicted antimicrobial use for one of 40 antimicrobial agent-patient care location combinations. The SAARs are designed to serve as high value targets or high level indicators for antimicrobial stewardship programs (ASPs). SAAR values that are outliers are intended to prompt analysis of possible overuse, underuse, or inappropriate use of antimicrobials, subsequent actions aimed at improving the quality of antimicrobial prescribing, and impact evaluations of ASP interventions.

        • 1.14 Numerator

          Days of antimicrobial therapy for antimicrobial agents administered to adult and pediatric patients in medical ICU, medical-surgical ICU, surgical ICU (adult only), medical ward, medical-surgical ward, surgical ward, general hematology-oncology ward (adult only), and step-down unit (adult only).

        • 1.15 Denominator

          Days present for each patient care location—adult and pediatric medical ICU, medical-surgical ICU, surgical ICU (adult only), medical ward, medical-surgical ward, surgical ward, general hematology-oncology ward (adult only), and step-down unit (adult only) is defined as the number of patients who were present for any portion of each day of a calendar month for each location. The day of admission, discharge, and transfer to and from locations are included in days present. All days present are summed for each location and month, and the aggregate sums for each location-month combination comprise the denominator data for the measure.

        • Exclusions

          Hospital patient care locations other than adult and pediatric medical ICU, medical-surgical ICU, surgical ICU (adult only), medical ward, medical-surgical ward, surgical ward, general hematology-oncology ward (adult only), and step-down unit (adult only) are excluded from this measure.

        • OLD 1.12 MAT output not attached
        • Most Recent Endorsement Activity
          Endorsed Patient Safety Spring Cycle 2019
          Initial Endorsement
          Last Updated
              • Risk Adjustment
                Risk adjustment approach
                Risk adjustment approach
                Conceptual model for risk adjustment
                Conceptual model for risk adjustment