Effective March 27, 2023, the National Quality Forum (NQF) is no longer the consensus-based entity (CBE) funded through the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) National Consensus Development and Strategic Planning for Health Care Quality Measurement Contract. Battelle has been selected to oversee the endorsement & maintenance (E&M) of clinical quality and cost/resource use measures. Since the Fall 2022 cycle launched at NQF, measures submitted to this E&M cycle continued along the prior E&M protocols that were in place at time of the Fall 2022 “Intent to Submit.” Battelle took over the E&M work for the Fall 2022 cycle after developers and/or stewards submitted their full measure information to NQF, which for CBE #3498e, the most recent measure specifications can be found here: https://p4qm.org/sites/default/files/2024-02/3498e.zip
Battelle took over the E&M work beginning with the public comment period to close the E&M committees for the post-comment meeting, convening the CSAC to render a final endorsement decision, and executing the appeals period.
Public Comments