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National Core Indicators for Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities (ID/DD) Home- and Community-Based Services (HCBS) Measures

Endorsement Status
1.0 New or Maintenance
1.1 Measure Structure
Previous Endorsement Cycle
Is Under Review
Next Maintenance Cycle
Spring 2025
1.6 Measure Description

National Core Indicators for Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities Home- and Community-Based Services Measures ("NCI for ID/DD HCBS Measures" hereafter) originate from NCI(R) In-Person Survey (IPS), an annual multi-state cross-sectional survey of adult recipients of state developmental disabilities systems´ supports and services. First developed in 1997 by the National Association of State Directors of Developmental Disabilities Services (NASDDDS) in collaboration with Human Services Research Institute (HSRI), the main aims of NCI for ID/DD HCBS Measures were to evaluate person-reported outcomes and assess state developmental disabilities service systems performance in various domains and sub-domains accordingly. The unit of analysis is "the state", and the accountable entity is the state-level entity responsible for providing and managing developmental disabilities services. Currently, 46 states and the District of Columbia are members of the NCI program. To align with member states´ fiscal schedules, the annual survey cycle typically starts on July 1 and ends on Jun 30 of the following year.

Gathering subjective information and data from people with ID/DD poses unique challenges due to potential intellectual and developmental limitations experienced by the population. As such, extensive work went into the processes of developing NCI IPS administration methods, survey methodology and measure design and revisions. The original development built on direct consultation with members of the target population and their advocates, as well as extensive literature review and testing.

The NCI for ID/DD HCBS Measures consist of 14 measures in total, including:
Five measures in the HCBS Domain: Person-Centered Planning (PCP) and Coordination
#PCP-1 The proportion of people who express they want a job who have a related goal in their service plan (Community Job Goal)
#PCP-2 The proportion of people who report their service plan includes things that are important to them (Person-Centered Goals)
#PCP-3 The proportion of people who express they want to increase independence in functional skills (ADLs) who have a related goal in their service plan (ADL Goal)
#PCP-4 The proportion of people who report they are supported to learn new things (Lifelong Learning)
#PCP-5 The proportion of people who report satisfaction with the level of participation in community inclusion activities (Satisfaction with Community Inclusion Scale)

Four measures in the HCBS Domain: Community Inclusion
#CI-1 The proportion of people who reported that they do not feel lonely often (Social Connectedness)
#CI-2 The proportion of people who reported that they have friends who are not staff or family members (Has Friends)
#CI-3 The proportion of people who report adequate transportation (Transportation Availability Scale)
#CI-4 The proportion of people who engage in activities outside the home (Community Inclusion Scale)

Four measures in the HCBS Domain: Choice and Control
#CC-1 The proportion of people who reported they chose or were aware they could request to change their staff (Chose Staff)
#CC-2 The proportion of people who reported they could change their case manager/service coordinator (Can Change Case Manager)
#CC-3 The proportion of people who live with others who report they can stay home if they choose when others in their house/home go somewhere (Can Stay Home When Others Leave)
#CC-4 The proportion of people who report making choices (independently or with help) in life decisions (Life Decisions Scale)

And one measure in the HCBS Domain: Human and Legal Rights
#HLR-1 The proportion of people who report that their personal space is respected in the home (Respect for Personal Space Scale)

Measure Specs
General Information
1.3 Electronic Clinical Quality Measure (eCQM)
1.8 Level of Analysis
1.9 Care Setting
1.20 Types of Data Sources