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Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services

Clinician-Level and Clinician Group-Level Total Hip Arthroplasty and/or Total Knee Arthroplasty (THA and TKA) Patient-Reported Outcome-Based Performance Measure (PRO-PM)

  • This patient-reported outcome-based performance measure uses the same measure specifications as the NQF-endorsed (NQF # 3559) hospital-level risk-standardized improvement rate (RSIR) following elective primary THA/TKA with the following exception: this measure attributes the outcome to a clinician or clinician group. Specifically, this measure will estimate a clinician-level and/or a clinician group-level RSIR following elective primary THA/TKA for Medicare fee-for-service (FFS) patients 65 years of age and older.

    CBE ID

Consumer Assessment of Healthcare Providers and Systems (CAHPS) In-Center Hemodialysis Survey (ICH CAHPS)

  • This is a survey-based measure and one of the family of surveys called CAHPS Surveys (Consumer Assessment of Healthcare Providers and Systems)that are focused on patient experience. The questionnaire asks End Stage Renal Disease (ESRD) patients receiving in-center hemodialysis care about the services and quality of care that they experience. Patients assess their dialysis providers, including nephrologists and medical and non-medical staff, the quality of dialysis care they receive, and information sharing about their disease.

    CBE ID

Continuity of Care After Inpatient or Residential Treatment for Substance Use Disorder

  • The Continuity of Care After Inpatient or Residential Treatment for Substance Use Disorder measure evaluates the percentage of discharges from inpatient or residential treatment for diagnoses of substance use disorders (SUD) among Medicaid or Medicare-Medicaid beneficiaries, aged 18 years and older, which were followed by a treatment service for SUD.

    CBE ID

Continuity of Care After Medically Managed Withdrawal from Alcohol and/or Drugs

  • Percentage of discharges from a medically managed withdrawal episode for adult Medicaid beneficiaries, ages 18–64, that were followed by a treatment service for substance use disorder (including the prescription or receipt of a medication to treat a substance use disorder [pharmacotherapy]) within 7 or 14 days after discharge.

    CBE ID

Delivered Dose of Hemodialysis Above Minimum

  • Percentage of all patient months for adult patients (> = 18years old) whose delivered dose of hemodialysis (calculated from the last measurement of the month using the UKM or Daugirdas II formula) was spKt/V >= 1.2.

    CBE ID

Depression Assessment Conducted

  • Percent of patients who were screened for depression (using a standardized depression screening tool) at start or resumption of home health care

    CBE ID