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Percentage of Prevalent Patients Waitlisted (PPPW)

  • This measure tracks the percentage of patients in each dialysis practitioner group practice who were on the kidney or kidney-pancreas transplant waitlist. Results are averaged across patients prevalent on the last day of each month during the reporting year.

    Please note, this measure is at the dialysis practitioner level (the clinician who receives the Monthly Capitation Payment for overseeing dialysis care).

    The proposed measure is a directly standardized percentage, which is adjusted for covariates (e.g. age and risk factors).

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Persistence of Beta-Blocker Treatment After a Heart Attack

  • The percentage of patient’s 18 years of age and older during the measurement year who were hospitalized and discharged from July 1 of the year prior to the measurement year to June 30 of the measurement year with a diagnosis of acute myocardial infarction (AMI) and who received persistent beta-blocker treatment for six months after discharge.

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Person-Centered Contraceptive Counseling (PCCC) measure

  • The PCCC is a four-item patient-reported outcome performance measure (PRO-PM) designed to assess the patient-centeredness of contraceptive counseling at the individual clinician/provider and facility levels of analysis. Patient-centeredness is an important component in all areas of health care, and is uniquely critical in the personal and intimate process of contraceptive decision-making.

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Person-Centered Primary Care Measure PRO-PM

  • The Person-Centered Primary Care Measure instrument is an 11-item patient reported assessment of primary care. Patients complete the PCPCM instrument once a year. These instruments are used to calculate a performance score for the participating entity. That entity could be an individual clinician or a practice. The 11 items of the PCPCM assess primary care aspects rarely captured yet thought responsible for primary care effects on population health, equity, quality, and sustainable expenditures.

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