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Post Acute/Long Term Care Facility: Rehabilitation

Cultural Competency Implementation Measure

The Cultural Competence Implementation Measure is an organizational survey designed to assist healthcare organizations in identifying the degree to which they are providing culturally competent care and addressing the needs of diverse populations, as well as their adherence to 12 of the 45 NQF-endorsed® cultural competency practices prioritized for the survey. The target audience for this survey includes healthcare organizations across a range of health care settings, including hospitals, health plans, community clinics, and dialysis organizations.


ETG Based HIP/KNEE REPLACEMENT cost of care measure

The measure focuses on resources used to deliver episodes of care for patients who have undergone a Hip/Knee Replacement. Hip Replacement and Knee Replacement episodes are initially defined using the Episode Treatment Groups (ETG) methodology and describe the unique presence of the condition for a patient and the services involved in diagnosing, managing and treating the condition. The Procedure Episode Group (PEG) methodology uses the ETG results and further logic to creating a procedure episode that focuses on the Hip Replacement and Knee Replacement component of the care.