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Hospital Outpatient Quality Reporting

Cardiac Imaging for Preoperative Risk Assessment for Non-Cardiac, Low-Risk Surgery

This measure calculates the percentage of stress echocardiography, single photon emission computed tomography myocardial perfusion imaging (SPECT MPI), stress magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), or computed coronary tomography angiography (CCTA) performed at each facility in the 30 days prior to an ambulatory non-cardiac, low-risk surgery performed at any location. The measure is calculated based on a one-year window of Medicare claims data.


External Beam Radiotherapy for Bone Metastases

This measure reports the percentage of patients, regardless of age, with a diagnosis of painful bone metastases and no history of previous radiation who receive external beam radiation therapy (EBRT) with an acceptable fractionation scheme as defined by the guideline.


Fibrinolytic Therapy Received Within 30 Minutes of ED Arrival

This measure calculates the percentage of Emergency Department (ED) acute myocardial infarction (AMI) patients with ST-segment elevation on the electrocardiogram (ECG) closest to arrival time receiving fibrinolytic therapy during the ED stay and having a time from ED arrival to fibrinolysis of 30 minutes or less. The measure is calculated using chart-abstracted data, on a rolling, quarterly basis and is publicly reported, in aggregate, for one calendar year.


Median Time from ED Arrival to ED Departure for Discharged ED Patients

NQF #0496 calculates the median time from emergency department arrival to time of departure from the emergency room for patients discharged from the emergency department (ED). The measure is calculated using chart-abstracted data, on a rolling quarterly basis, and is publically reported in aggregate for one calendar year. The measure has been publically reported since 2013 as part of the ED Throughput measure set of the CMS’ Hospital Outpatient Quality Reporting (HOQR) Program.


Median Time to Pain Management for Long Bone Fracture

Median time from emergency department arrival to time of initial oral, intranasal or parenteral pain medication administration for emergency department patients with a principal diagnosis of long bone fracture (LBF).