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Influenza Vaccination Coverage Among Healthcare Personnel

Endorsement Status
1.1 New or Maintenance
E&M Cycle
Is Under Review
Next Planned Maintenance Review
Prevention and Population Health Spring 2026
1.3 Measure Description

Percentage of healthcare personnel (HCP) who receive the influenza vaccination.

        • 1.14 Numerator

          HCP in the denominator population who during the time from October 1 (or when the vaccine became available) through March 31 of the following year:
          (a) received an influenza vaccination administered at the healthcare facility, or reported in writing (paper or electronic) or provided documentation that influenza vaccination was received elsewhere; or
          (b) were determined to have a medical contraindication/condition of severe allergic reaction to eggs or to other component(s) of the vaccine, or history of Guillain-Barré Syndrome within 6 weeks after a previous influenza vaccination; or
          (c) declined influenza vaccination

          Each of the three submeasure numerators described above will be calculated and reported separately, alongside the overall numerator calculated as the aggregate of the three submeasure numerators.

        • 1.15 Denominator

          Number of HCP in groups(a)-(c) below who are working in the healthcare facility for at least 1 working day between October 1 and March 31 of the following year, regardless of clinical responsibility or patient contact. 

          Denominator is reported in the aggregate; rates for each HCP group may be calculated separately for facility-level quality improvement purposes:
          (a) Employees: all persons who receive a direct paycheck from the reporting facility (i.e., on the facility’s payroll). 
          (b) Licensed independent practitioners: include physicians (MD, DO), advanced practice nurses, and physician assistants only who are affiliated with the reporting facility who do not receive a direct paycheck from the reporting facility.
          (c) Adult students/trainees and volunteers: include all students/trainees and volunteers aged 18 or over who do not receive a direct paycheck from the reporting facility.

        • Exclusions


        • Most Recent Endorsement Activity
          Endorsed Prevention and Population Health Spring Cycle 2022
          Initial Endorsement
          Last Updated