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Single Measure

Surgical Site Infection Rate

  • Percentage of surgical site infections occurring within thirty days after the operative procedure if no implant is left in place or with one year if an implant is in place in patients who had an NHSN operative procedure performed during a specified time period and the infection appears to be related to the operative procedure.

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Survival Predictor for Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm (AAA)©

  • A reliability adjusted measure of AAA repair performance that optimally combines two important domains: AAA hospital volume and AAA operative mortality, to provide predictions on hospital AAA survival rates in patients age 18 and over.

    CBE ID

Survival Predictor for Esophagectomy Surgery©

  • A reliability adjusted measure of Esophagectomy surgical performance that optimally combines two important domains: Esophagectomy hospital volume and Esophagectomy operative mortality, to provide predictions on hospital Esophagectomy survival rates in patients age 18 and over.

    CBE ID

Survival Predictor for Pancreatic Resection Surgery©

  • A reliability adjusted measure of pancreatic resection surgical performance that optimally combines two important domains: Pancreatic resection hospital volume and pancreatic operative mortality, to provide predictions on hospital pancreatic survival rates in patients age 18 and.

    CBE ID

The Ability to use Health Information Technology to Perform Care Management at the Point of Care

  • Documents the extent to which a provider uses a certified/qualified electronic health record (EHR) system capable of enhancing care management at the point of care. To qualify, the facility must have implemented processes within their EHR for disease management that incorporate the principles of care management at the point of care which include:
    a. The ability to identify specific patients by diagnosis or medication use
    b. The capacity to present alerts to the clinician for disease management, preventive services and wellness

    CBE ID

The Percentage of Residents on a Scheduled Pain Medication Regimen on Admission Who Self-Report a Decrease in Pain Intensity or Frequency (Short-stay)

  • This measure is based on data from the MDS 3.0 assessment of short-stay nursing facility residents and reports the percentage of those short-stay residents who can self-report and who are on a scheduled pain medication regimen at admission (5-day PPS MDS assessment) and who report lower levels of pain on their discharge MDS 3.0 assessment or their 14-day PPS MDS assessment (whichever comes first) when compared with the 5-day PPS MDS assessment.

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