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Single Measure

Body Mass Index Screening and Follow-Up for People with Serious Mental Illness

  • The percentage of patients 18 years and older with a serious mental illness who received a screening for body mass index and follow-up for those people who were identified as obese (a body mass index greater than or equal to 30 kg/m2).

    Note: The proposed health plan measure is adapted from an existing provider-level measure for the general population (Preventive Care & Screening: Body Mass Index: Screening and Follow-Up NQF #0421). It is currently stewarded by CMS and used in the Physician Quality Reporting System.

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Breast Cancer Screening

  • Percentage of women 50-74 years of age who had a mammogram to screen for breast cancer

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Breast Cancer Screening

  • Percentage of women 40-69 years of age who had a mammogram to screen for breast cancer

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CAC-1: Relievers for Inpatient Asthma

  • Use of relievers in pediatric patients, age 2 years through 17 years, admitted for inpatient treatment of asthma. This measure is a part of a set of three nationally implemented measures that address children’s asthma care (CAC-2: Systemic Corticosteroids for Inpatient Asthma, and CAC-03: Home Management Plan of Care (HMPC) Document Given to Patient/Caregiver) that are used in The Joint Commission’s accreditation process.

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CAC-2 Systemic corticosteroids for Inpatient Asthma

  • Use of systemic corticosteroids in pediatric asthma patients (age 2 through 17 years) admitted for inpatient treatment of asthma. This measure is a part of a set of three nationally implemented measures that address children’s asthma care (CAC-1: Relievers for Inpatient Asthma, CAC-3: Home Management Plan of Care (HMPC) Document Given to Parent/Caregiver) that are used in The Joint Commission’s accreditation process.

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CAC-3: Home Management Plan of Care (HMPC) Document Given to Patient/Caregiver

  • This measure assesses the proportion of pediatric asthma patients discharged from an inpatient hospital stay with a Home Management Plan of Care (HMPC) document in place. This measure is one of a set of three nationally implemented measures that address children’s asthma care (CAC-1: Relievers for Inpatient Asthma, and CAC-2: Systemic Corticosteroids for Inpatient Asthma) that are used in The Joint Commission’s accreditation process.

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CAD: Beta-Blocker Treatment after a Heart Attack

  • Percentage of patients who have a claim indicating beta blocker therapy or who received an ambulatory prescription for beta-blockers rendered within 7 days after discharge.

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