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Full Year 2015

STK-10: Assessed for Rehabilitation

  • This measure captures the proportion of ischemic or hemorrhagic stroke patients assessed for or who received rehabilitation services during the hospital stay.

    CBE ID

STK-10: Assessed for Rehabilitation

  • This measure captures the proportion of ischemic or hemorrhagic stroke patients assessed for or who received rehabilitation services during the hospital stay.

    CBE ID

Stroke and Stroke Rehabilitation: Rehabilitation Services Ordered

  • Percentage of patients aged 18 years and older with a diagnosis of ischemic stroke or intracranial hemorrhage for whom occupational, physical, or speech rehabilitation services were ordered at or prior to inpatient discharge OR documentation that no rehabilitation services are indicated at or prior to inpatient discharge

    CBE ID

Stroke and Stroke Rehabilitation: Screening for Dysphagia

  • Percentage of patients aged 18 years and older with a diagnosis of ischemic stroke or intracranial hemorrhage who receive any food, fluids or medication by mouth (PO) for whom a dysphagia screening was performed prior to PO intake in accordance with a dysphagia screening tool approved by the institution in which the patient is receiving care

    CBE ID

Suboptimal Asthma Control (SAC) and Absence of Controller Therapy (ACT)

  • Rate 1 (SAC): The percentage of patients aged 5-50 years as of the last day of the measurement year with persistent asthma who were dispensed more than 3 canisters of a short-acting beta2 agonist inhaler during the same 90-day period.

    Rate 2 (ACT): The percentage of patients aged 5-50 years as of the last day of the measurement year with persistent asthma who were dispensed more than 3 canisters of short-acting beta2 agonist inhalers over a 90-day period and who did not receive controller therapy during the same 90-day period.

    CBE ID