Person and Family-Centered Care Endorsement Maintenance
For patients age 18 and older undergoing lumbar spine fusion surgery, the average change from pre-operative functional status to one year (nine to fifteen months) post-operative functional status using the Oswestry Disability Index (ODI version 2.1a) patient reported outcome tool.
For patients age 18 and older undergoing total knee replacement surgery, the average change from pre-operative functional status to one year (nine to fifteen months) post-operative functional status using the Oxford Knee Score (OKS) patient reported outcome tool.
The CARE survey is mortality follow back survey that is administered to the bereaved family members of adult persons (age 18 and older) who died of a chronic progressive illness receiving services for at least 48 hours from a home health agency, nursing homes, hospice, or acute care hospital. The survey measures perceptions of the quality of care either in terms of unmet needs, family reports of concerns with the quality of care, and overall rating of the quality of care.
These measures are based on the CAHPS Cultural Competence Item Set, a set of supplemental items for the CAHPS Clinician/Group Survey that includes the following domains: Patient-provider communication; Complementary and alternative medicine; Experiences of discrimination due to race/ethnicity, insurance, or language; Experiences leading to trust or distrust, including level of trust, caring and confidence in the truthfulness of their provide; and Linguistic competency (Access to language services).
These measures are based on the CAHPS Item Set for Addressing Health Literacy, a set of supplemental items for the CAHPS Clinician & Group Survey. The item set includes the following domains: Communication with Provider (Doctor), Disease Self-Management, Communication about Medicines, Communication about Test Results, and Communication about Forms. Samples for the survey are drawn from adults who have had at least one provider´s visit within the past year. Measures can be calculated at the individual clinician level, or at the group (e.g., practice, clinic) level.
The CAHPS® Nursing Home Survey: Discharged Resident Instrument is a mail survey instrument to gather information on the experience of short stay (5 to 100 days) residents recently discharged from nursing homes. This survey can be used in conjunction with the CAHPS Nursing Home Survey: Family Member Instrument and the Long Stay Resident Instrument. The survey instrument provides nursing home level scores on 4 global items. In addition, the survey provides nursing home level scores on summary measures valued by consumers; these summary measures or composites are currently being analyzed.
The CAHPS Nursing Home Survey: Family Member Instrument is a mail survey instrument to gather information on the experiences of family members of long stay (greater than 100 days) residents currently in nursing homes. The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services requested development of this questionnaire, which is intended to complement the CAHPS Nursing Home Survey: Long-Stay Resident Instrument and the Discharged resident Instrument.
The CAHPS® Nursing Home Survey: Long-Stay Resident Instrument is an in-person survey instrument to gather information on the experience of long stay (greater than 100 days) residents currently in nursing homes. The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services requested development of this survey, and can be used in conjunction with the CAHPS Nursing Home Survey: Family Member Instrument and Discharged Resident Instrument.
This supplemental set of items was developed jointly by NCQA and the AHRQ-sponsored CAHPS Consortium and is intended for use with the CAHPS 4.0 Health Plan survey. Some items are intended for Commercial health plan members only and are not included here. This measure provides information on the experiences of Medicaid health plan members with the organization. Results summarize member experiences through composites and question summary rates.
This measure updates CMS’ MDS 2.0 QM on bowel and bladder control. It is based on data from Minimum Data Set (MDS) 3.0 assessments of low risk long-stay nursing facility residents (those whose cumulative days in the facility is greater than 100 days). This measure reports the percent of long-stay residents with a selected target assessment who are frequently or always bladder or bowel incontinent as indicated on the target MDS assessment (OBRA, PPS or discharge) during the selected quarter (3-month period).