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Patient Safety Endorsement Maintenance

Percent of Residents Who Were Physically Restrained (Long Stay)

  • The measure reports the percentage of all long-stay residents who were physically restrained daily during the 7 days prior to the target MDS 3.0 assessment (OBRA, PPS or discharge) during their episode of nursing home care ending in the target quarter (3-month period). Long-stay residents are identified as residents who have had at least 101 cumulative days of nursing facility care.

    CBE ID

Pressure ulcer prevalence (hospital acquired)

  • The total number of patients that have hospital-acquired (nosocomial) category/stage II or greater pressure ulcers on the day of the prevalence measurement episode.

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Pressure Ulcer Prevention and Care

  • Pressure Ulcer Risk Assessment Conducted: Percentage of home health episodes of care in which the patient was assessed for risk of developing pressure ulcers at start/resumption of care.

    Pressure Ulcer Prevention Included in Plan of Care: Percentage of home health episodes of care in which the physician-ordered plan of care included interventions to prevent pressure ulcers.

    CBE ID

Restraint prevalence (vest and limb)

  • Total number of patients that have vest and/or limb restraint (upper or lower body or both) on the day of the prevalence measurement episode.

    CBE ID